
Sunday, March 27

To disturb or not to disturb, that is the question.

I like schedules and set plans.  I like to know when the party is going to start and when it is going to end.  I like to know that after X, comes Y and it's followed by Z.  I especially like to know what is going on when it comes to planning what needs to happen with my children.  In particular with their bedtimes and their routines.

Tonight is Sunday, which means Turkey is going to bed at 7 instead of 8.  (He needs the extra rest before school and I need the extra downtime.)  He has 15 minutes of his Scooby movie to watch before bed and him and Monkey need a bath (together) as well.  This means, Turkey needs to start watching Scooby at 6:30, no later in order to get the bath down and them both in PJs for 7 (Thankfully husband helps with joint bath time to make this time frame possible).

BUT tonight, Monkey is sleeping in his swing, and Turkey is playing math games on his computer.  Husband is napping on the coach and the dog asleep on the floor at his side.  It's quiet in here... real quiet.  I've got plenty of down time right now.

Do I want to disturb everyone in order to keep with "my" schedule?  Would it be the end of the world if Turkey went to bed at 7:15 instead of 7?

Decisions, decisions, decisions.


  1. I can imagine myself being in this situation in the future. So what did you do?

  2. About 10 minutes after posting this, Turkey was done playing, and then it turned out he only had 5 minutes of his movie left, and I woke Monkey for bath.
