I started this post a few days ago and then blogger went down on me.
Have you ever seen the commercial where the Dad keeps driving around McD's and going to the drive through window in the middle of the night because his baby is sleeping in the backseat.
That will never be us. You know why? Monkey hates cars. Pure and simple. At each pediatrician visit his doctor asks me "Is he good about his car seat?". Like he has a choice, he needs to be in it. Ha!!!
So on Wednesday Turkey had an appointment. I was 5 minutes late picking him up from school, but we had plenty of time to get there. It was about a 40 minute drive, in good traffic, to his appointment.
Note: everything is about a 40 minute drive from our house, give or take 15 minutes... this includes the grocery store, the mall, the boys' doctors, and my work (which is on the plus side of the 15 minutes).
All is going well, until we come to road work, and we get sent on a detour with no road signs. So there we are driving through the rolling hills of Amherst/Hadley region enjoying the scenery and I have no idea where we are. I decide to follow the car in front of me when I come to a fork in the road.
Eventually I knew where I am, but I opt to go north instead of south, as it had been a while since I traveled that road and I knew north would eventually lead me to a the route I needed. Now mind you, there is no cell signal out here.
The next thing I know we are stuck in traffic. Really bad traffic. Driving where we were at that time of day was just a bad idea. We're still miles from where we need to be, and other routes really aren't an option as we need to cross the river... so I stick it out. Traffic sucks, we are not moving.
Monkey decides he needs to nurse and he needs to nurse NOW. Turkey starts having "a moment " when he realizes he's late. He hates being late and he doesn't want to miss his appointment. Still no signal.
All of a sudden we hear ambulances coming up behind us. How we can hear them over Monkey's cries for food is beyond me. At that moment the decision is made to pull into Lowes and nurse Monkey. We're already late, what's another 10 minutes right. We see the ambulances go flying by while I nurse Monkey in the parking lot.
Off we go again, more stop and go. No sign of an accident. The big bridge looms ahead and we're finally driving over 20 mph... I can feel the wind in my hair. Then we stop. Again. After a quick lane change to get away from all the fools heading to the interstate we are moving.
I behave while driving through downtown and don't hit any college students who step out in front of my car.
Finally we pull in front of the house for Turkey's appointment. 40 minutes late.
Turkey and Husband dash out, while I am double parked... off to find parking, that isn't a country mile away.
Sigh... if only all meetings could be handled over Skype. (Like my appointment this morning with Turkey's therapist because she understands how cranky babies can get in the car.)
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