
Tuesday, May 10

What to do?

I'm on my last week of maternity leave.  Sad isn't it?  I can't believe it's been 3 months already, Monkey is 12 weeks old today.

The house is very quiet right now.  Husband is chaperoning Turkey's field trip and Monkey is sleeping in his swing.  We just got back from a walk to the park, where we spent time on the swings.

I could be working, I've been working PT from home for the last 8 weeks.  The money would be nice, but I just don't have the focus for it.  Maybe tonight after the boys are in bed.

What else to do?  Please don't suggest a nap, I am not a napper.  I have to be sick or exhausted, preferably both to be able to nap.  Or knocked-up, which I am not, nothing makes you sleepier than the 1st trimester.

I could fold Turkey's clothes and put them away.  I could read one of the 5 books I am in the middle of reading.  I could make cookies, I love baking... but I am not in the mood.  I could mail out Turkey;s birth announcements, or the mailing for the family re-union.  I could clean off my desk (aka the dining room table), it's a mess.  I could de-clutter the living room or the bar.  I could go straighten up Monkey's room.  I could clean the bathrooms.  I could watch a movie or some trashy daytime TV.  Again, not in the mood.  I feel like a 7 year old kid (wait I have one of those) who has more toys than necessary saying how bored they are.  But I'm not bored, just unmotivated.

Maybe my baby will wake up soon and we can nurse and cuddle and play.  Now that sounds like what I want to do.

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