
Monday, June 6

Things I've Been Meaning to Do (June)

Every month over on the I'm a Lazy Mom Blog she does a link up about the things she's been meaning to do.  This is my first month participating.

Things I've Been Meaning to Do:

  • Bring my maternity clothes to the attic.  They are packed and ready to go, I just need to move them.
  • Bring the Cub Scout supplies to the attic, also packed and ready to go. (I see a trend here.)
  • Sew on Turkey's Cub Scout badges.
  • Complete the Cub Scout Wolf Leader training. (Another trend here.)
  • Organize Monkey's room
  • Get a hair cut


  1. Thanks for sharing a great blog!

  2. How about I give YOU my stack of Cub Scout badges to sewn on while you're at it???

    Thanks for linking up!
    The Lazy Mom
