
Saturday, February 18

Double Doctor

I had a brilliant idea a few months back - I would take the boys TOGETHER for their yearly-well child visit.  I book what our pediatrician's office calls a "sibling appointment" for 3 and 3:15pm on February 16.  

Then in another stroke of brilliance Husband and I both decided to go see our primary (same doctor, but separate appointments) that day as well (at 1 and 1:15).

We escaped from our doctor visit at 2pm and headed straight out with the boys to their doctor.  The pediatrician's office was running late and we didn't get taken back until 3:30 (Husband stayed back in the waiting room since the exam rooms are so tiny).  

The boys are growing excellently.  You can see their progress on the Watch Us Grow page.  I think it's kind of funny that their weights at 12 months where nearly exact, but Monkey is a full inch and a half taller than Turkey was.  Turkey is "solid" in both the 90+% for height and weight (but I could have told you that after seeing him with his classmates at his birthday party).  Monkey is long and lean at 97+% for height and just below 50% for weight.  He does have a tiny head however (6%), he gets that from his Daddy.  No shots or blood work for Turkey, but Monkey got 4 shots and blood work... poor kiddo.  Turkey's eyes and hearing were perfect (I'll need to remember that the next time he can't see or hear what is right in front of him).

It was nearly 5pm by the time we got out of the doctors (and it started snowing - blah!!!).  It was a LONG visit; and I am not sure I'll be doing that again.  OK, maybe I will; but I will skip booking doctor appointments for Husband and I on the same day as well.  Lesson learned.

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