
Wednesday, October 31

Halloween Fairy

My friend M is a genius.  I think I've mentioned that before.

A few years ago she told me about the Halloween Fairy.

You see the Halloween Fairy trades your candy loot for a toy.  You leave can keep your favorites, at least in our house; and the rest the Fairy takes.  Normally Husband gets all of the sweet stuff, he's got a wicked sweet tooth; and the rest goes to my work or the post-office.

But this year, we went to the Trunk or Treat that the Lions Club puts on.  The high school marching band, also clad in costume and a police car lead the parade around the school then come all the kiddos in their costumes followed by a couple of fire trucks (wow, are their lights intense); and then into the school the parade heads for handful and handful of candy out of trunks.

RR and a long lost buddy.

The band gearing up.

Yes, TT is sick again, on Halloween.

Thinking hard.


Reviewing the loot.
Putting his candy back in his bucket.

The Halloween Fairy's haul.

What the Fairy left.

The Lions Club outing was really cute.  I would take the boys again in a heart beat.  RR was really skeptical about going, but he was raving about how great it was on the way home.  

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