
Sunday, December 2

A Rarity

Look at all of those clean diapers!!!  It's a miracle.  Seriously I hardly ever have this many diapers clean at one time; because well you know TT needs to pee and poop in them.  This stash represents about 85% of the diapers we have in the current rotation.

For those of you not versed in the world of modern day cloth diapering the two left rows are mostly pocket diapers; which means you stuff the pocket on the inside of the diaper with an absorbent pad.  Some of these diapers are all-in-two (AI2) which is a diaper in which you re-use the cover (for more covers see the photo below) a few times over and change the inner liner.  The diapers on the left are what they call fitted diapers - think contoured old school diapers, but way more absorbent; you need to use a cover otherwise you'll have a big ol' wet mess.  Ah covers... those are below and are the modern day version of the plastic pants.

We do use some old school flat and pre-folded diapers; but those aren't picture worthy.  Sometimes I stuff diapers with them other times I use them like my mom would have used a cloth diaper; expect I don't use pins we have bungy t-shaped elastics with teeth.  Now... that sound like something you want down there... ha!!!!  Kidding.

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