
Thursday, August 15

30 Months

TT is 30 months old today.

30 months of complete and total cuteness.  Hey, I get to say that I am his mother after all.  Some days I ask him if he plans on using his cuteness to get through life and he says "OK".

At two and a half his speech is really staring to take off.  As it should with speech therapy once a week and playgroup once a week as well; assuming the bus shows up for playgroup.  ggrrrr.... that's a whole other post.

He is still addicted to his pacifier, which we call a nook or nooker.  Husband and I agreed that he could keep using it till his 2 year molars where in... and we're just about there.

Speaking of speech and nooks... tonight I stole his nook from him and he says to me "I want nookie."  Ha!!!

At a height and weight check at the pediatrician's office last month TT was 41.5 lbs. and a little over 40" tall.  He is in the 99% for height and weight for his age; and is just a bit bigger than your typical 4 year old boy.  I guess that explains why he is wearing a 4T/5 at this point.  They say a child's height at age 2 is about half that of their adult height - this puts TT around 6-ft 4-inches.

Toilet training is not really going anywhere.  We've had a few successes with going in the potty; but we've had more misses.  Husband and I aren't pushing the issue, TT is just now starting to be able to pull of his pants AND we hate his potty-chair.  Seriously, that thing sucks... the pee guard (which any mom of a boy can tell you is critical) keeps falling off every time he sits in it.  Buying a new one piece potty chair is on our list of things "to do".  And yes, we're still cloth diapering.  And yes, finding cloth diapers to fit this child is getting difficult.

TT is taking one nap a day; usually it's around 2 to 3 hours long.  He goes to bed between 7 and 7:30 and is up around 6:30.  He loves to see me before I go to work in the morning; and he has that same sixth sense like his brother. He knows what days we need to get out of the house early and chooses those days to sleep in.

For fun and play; which is what it is all about, TT loves the wooden Thomas Train set.  He also adores cars and driving his shopping carriage around the house. Wearing buckets and baskets on his head is also tops in his book.  Along with watching Mickey Mouse - he prefers the old ones... the really old ones.  Coloring, painting and play-doh are also pretty great.  If it was up to him he would go for a car ride every day... and probably shoe shopping.  This child has a serious addiction to shoes; he has more pairs (he can currently wear) than me, Husband and RR combined.  TT loves shoes.

He also loves horses... horse-y he calls it.  When ever possible he will jump on you (he rides RR) and scream horsey and make horse sounds.  Cute... but not so easy on the back and knees and legs, etc.  When he's really in a horse mood he likes to watch My Little Pony.

Cooking is a new activity he has discovered, making eggs is his favorite.

He also enjoys eating what he, or anyone else makes. (as you can tell by his size.)  His favorite foods include (ice) cream; sausages, meatballs, spaghetti, peanut butter sandwiches, bananas, watermelon and apples.  He is not a fan of green foods - peas, beans, lettuce, etc.  And yes, he is still nursing - once maybe twice a day, skipping a day here or there.

As I have said before... he is probably one of the happiest kids you will every meet.  Of course he suffers from the "terrible twos" and I am sure we'll have the "trying threes"... but that's what being a toddler is all about.  That and playing in the yard naked, chasing your brother around with a toy sword and just being lovable.

1 comment:

  1. I like all the pictures, they shows the nature of TT. He is so cute... God Bless him.

    Kopi Luwak
