OK, ok, oh-kaaayyyy.... I am really late on this one.
I've been wrestling about this post since days before ERP turned 11 months, way back on November 5th. I guess I am in a little denial that my baby is going to be a year, very very soon. At this point he'll be 1 year old in a week and a day. EEEKKK!!!
11 months has been a good one for ERP. Lots of growth. But also lots of sickness. First he had a little cold, then he had hand-foot-and-mouth-disease. Actually all three boys had HFMD. How RR made it nearly 11 years without getting it is beyond me. RR and ERP had it the worst, and ERP actually has some scars on his little fingers from it. Poor baby.
Halloween was a good one. Like his brother's before him ERP was a little lion. The costume was HUGE on him. But cute, none the less. We went trick-or-treating at my Godparents' house. It was a really nice night and we finished shortly before the rain started.
ERP is now regularly clapping and waving bye-bye.
He is still a peanut. My pocket-baby. At a sick child visit a couple weeks ago he wasn't even 18 pounds.
But he does love to eat. Oh does he love food. He still nurses around the clock, but he loves his food. He is eating 3 meals a day, plus 2 or 3 snacks. He crawling all over the place and loves chasing his brothers and the dog. He loves playing with the Little People. And he still loves his jumper and rocks it back and forth getting it off the floor.
He is still a mama's boy and curls himself small into my chest.
Speaking of which things I don't want to forget form the last month:
~ how he curls himself into me
~ his super extra fluffy soft hair
~ how happy he is, nearly all the time; unless he's going through a developmental leap
~ how he likes to have his butt rubbed while he's falling asleep
~ the way his eyes light up when he sees me when I get home from work
~ the way he loves mashed potatoes
~ how blue his eyes are on days when the sky is super blue
~ the way he giggles and crawls away from me when he's playing
~ the little games he plays with his pacifer
~ how he cries when he's on the changing table unless he's holding something -like his lotion bottle
~ the way he wants to take the strangest things to bed with him - like his nose sucker or a medicine syringe
Love you baby!!!
Pictures to come later.... Happy Thanksgiving!!
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