
Sunday, May 8

Twelve Years

The biggest boy is twelve years old. He has been for a while... but I've been a crappy blogger for the last 18 months, so you know.

Twelve is a funny age; as I am sure I will say that with about most of the teen years. He's a little guy in a big body - taller than me with the largest foot in the house - some days he's all grown up and wants to do it all on his own other days he's all about watching cartoons and snuggling on the couch.

He is still into his computer games, but not so much Wizard 101 anymore, he's more into T2F. And he loves his YouTube videos - 10 worst, 10 best, 10 things you'll never believe.

He is pulling good (great) grades in 6th grade. He's an alter server at church. He's well into Boy Scouts and really enjoys it and spending time with his friends. He's also in 4-H - computer programming. He sure keeps us busy. I'm already ready for him to drive himself places. As it always seems that he has something to do. Most recently he became interested in playing Magic, The Gathering.

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