I walked Turkey to his class this morning, and I had a chance to catch-up with his teacher (who I love). Turkey has a lot going on with the school front (more to follow later, but it say he's "profoundly gifted with a learning disability and spatial issues" barely does it justice), and I had to discuss his "pencil problem" with her.
The pencil conversation lead to Turkey's teacher showing me a page from his "opposite book" (you need to write and draw pictures of opposite things). Yesterday Turkey decided his opposite to write about was "poop and pee", and while she agreed they were opposites she didn't feel it was appropriate to talk about such things at school. When she made this point, Turkey chimes in "but it's only natural". Sweet... guess we'll have to spend more time talking about what is polite conversation and what isn't.
LOL! Hey I'm awarding you with the stylish blogger award! Come read about it here! http://notjustadrienne.blogspot.com/2011/03/stylish-blogger-award.html