
Sunday, March 13

What I Love About Sunday

Craig Morgan has a song called "That's What I Love About Sunday" and while I haven't heard the song yet today I have it stuck in my head; because I am having one of those Sundays, where everything is so peaceful and so right.

Sundays are a day of reflection and a day of preparation.  It's a day to talk to your loved ones and reconnect.

On Sunday I have a standing coffee (or breakfast) date with my husband.  We drop Turkey off at CCD (for non-Catholics that's Confraternity of Christian Doctrine aka church school), and go grab a cup of joe and reconnect before church.

Today, this particular  Sunday, started off damp and cold so when we got home all four of us curled up in the big king size bed and watched a movie (Inkheart).  It was then followed by reading the paper over lunch (another one of my favorite Sunday traditions), and Turkey willingly doing his chores and reading for school.  I don't know what exactly they do to him at CCD but he always comes out so much more willing to help around the house and listen to his parents (so who am I to argue?).  And how can I forget stopping and getting pastries on the way home from church; that's probably the best $2.50 I spend all week.

Afternoons are spent as we please, in the spring and fall that means hiking in the trails behind the house and in the summer a trip to the town beach or having friends over for a BBQ.  Today, Turkey had a birthday party to go to; so husband, Monkey and I spent the day lounging around the house tackling chores in a very laissez-fair manner.

And I can cook on Sunday.  I love cooking and Sunday is probably the only day I don't feel rushed to get dinner on the table so we can move on bedtime routine.

Yup, Sunday rocks.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Kate. This is Erica from the WTTG board. I love your blog! It has a great look. Cute flowers! And this particular post really resonated with me. I also love Sundays. Always have. They are quiet (usually) and just...well, special. Thanks for sharing.
