
Saturday, December 31

Silent(ish) Saturday

Does this count even though I've already had a "wordy" post today?

Turkey 2004.

Monkey 2011


I could bore you with my reflections on 2011.... OK, more like depress you.  2011 started out wonderful with the birth of Monkey, but took a serious nose dive after that... OK, moving on... instead I present you with Baby New Year 2004.  Here is Turkey at 11 months (exactly) ringing in 2005.

This photo has made me realize a few things..

1) I wish I still had that carpet.
2) I wish I still had that gate.
3) I need to get a party hat to get a picture of Monkey this evening.
4) There are few things that make you feel older in life than watching your children grow up.  I cannot believe this is his 8th New Year's Eve.

Thursday, December 29

Cinnamon Buns

A few months (OK, more like 6 months ago) my aunt gave me a bread maker.  I was all excited for this gift.  I left it out on the counter for a week, then it got stashed into the bottom of my pantry with the rest of my small kitchen appliances.

Then right before Christmas I had the most brilliant idea:  I was going to make homemade cinnamon rolls.  (I think the Man Vs. Food episode with the bun the size of his head got me.)  Normally for holidays we do Pillsbury cinnamon buns as a treat.

So I search and searched and found this recipe for the buns.

After the presents were opened, but before Turkey and I left for church I set about making the dough (which in my maker has a 1:15 minute cycle).  When I got home I rolled out the dough, added the topping, rolled, cut, baked and made the icing.

Before baking.
The icing itself was addicting.  I am lucky, oh who am I kidding my family is lucky, there was icing left to frost them with when I was done sampling.

After baking... I never claimed to be a professional.  
Upon eating these Husband claimed only my homemade cinnamon rolls were to be eaten in our house going forward.  I took that as a compliment.

These are not a diet food.
I was amazed by how easy these were to make.  Honestly, I must have spent a total of 15 minutes actively making these.  Since making the rolls we've tried white bread (not so good) and french bread (super yummy with homemade soup)... and I foresee many other breads in our future.

Monkey enjoying a roll on Christmas morning.

Project Food Budget (Week 13)

The budget this week is $150 and this includes our New Years Eve treats and Chinese food.

This time of year the grocery stores in this area have a lot of "stock up sales".  We got the circulars for the two stores we shop at yesterday and planned out the shopping trips last night.

We did the first trip, as a family, this morning at store Y.  They had a number of buy 1 get 2, buy 1 get 1, and $1 sales going on.  We stuck to our list, and only spent $0.74 that wasn't on the list, and that was for an Angry Birds spiral notebook for Turkey.  In the end we spent $54.19 and SAVED $68.22.  And that was without coupons.  I love saving more than I spend.  We stocked up on chicken, frozen meatballs, half and half (that stuff has a shelf life of nearly 2 months), cranberry juices, and potatoes to name a few.

Tomorrow or Saturday we'll go to store X.  And Saturday night we'll spend the change on the festivities.

I am planning on making and freezing and taking some meals to my cousin who just had the baby, as well as stock up our own freezer.   I love having frozen meals ready to go... it really helps cut back on the "need" to eat on the go.

Don't forget to check out these other blogs and see how everyone else is doing.

In case you haven't noticed this is a Thursday weekly feature.  

Wednesday, December 28

What's In a Name?

When we had Monkey we were on "team green".  For those of you not down with the mommy-internet-slag, that means we didn't find out the sex of baby until after the birth.

As such we thought of many, many names for both sexes.  At one time we had considered for boy names: Mitchell, Gregory, Everett and Oliver.  For a girl we were pretty set on Lucille, Lucy-Lo for short.  But we had also considered Annaleise (it was on "the list", but really if he had been a girl he most likely would have been Lucille).

A while back my cousin and I were discussing baby names (this is before Monkey was born I am sure, which means it was back when she was considering having a baby)... and Oliver was her top baby boy name choice (at the time).  After that conversation Husband and I scratched that name off our list... we decided we didn't like the meaning (elf army) and since it was her TOP name we wouldn't "steal it".  I don't think in that conversation we ever discussed girl names.

Fast-forward to now... and we have had a bouncing baby boy; whose name means "divine gift".  A nice and strong name; which goes well with his big brother's name which means "wise protector".

This summer when my cousin found out her baby was going to be a girl and revealed the name... I was in awe; it was a variation of Lucille.  Great minds clearly think alike, especially when it comes to naming baby.

I had really thought Monkey was going to be a girl.  Everyone, except Turkey who kept insisting he was going to have a brother, thought he was going to be a she.

I had dreams of having "my" little girl... she would be fair skinned, with a head full of jet black hair and bright blue eyes.  Imagine my surprise when Monkey turned out to be a boy with patchy strawberry-blonde hair and eyes that are yet to change color fully (we're guessing they will be hazel or brown).

Today we welcome my cousin's baby into the world... with a head full of black hair.... it must be in the name. They are truly blessed and she's a lucky little girl to have such wonderful parents.

And if you are wondering we've since changed our top girl name (and not because of my cousin's naming choice)... the new name has to do with victory.  And that's all I am going to say.  

Tuesday, December 27

It's Never Too Late

Husband got me this book for Christmas (it was on my wish list).

It's 172 simple acts (more like phrases to ponder and act on) to change your life and I came across this one today that I wanted to share... it's dedicated to my boys...

It's never too late, to be a late developer.  
Set your own timeline.
Don't allow others to dictate your pace.
Benchmarks are for average people.
You're an individual.
You have your own individual rate of growth.
Take the pressure off.
Allow things to develop naturally.
It's not important when you get there.
What matters is that you get there.

By Patrick Lindsay


Some days I can't decide which of my boys is growing faster.  And I'm not talking the milestone kind of growing, I'm talking physical growth.

Just the other day I was putting together away Turkey's clothes and I swear I set more stuff aside to store in the attic for when Monkey gets bigger than I actually put away.  But, at least now I can hand his clothes down to a sibling.  I swear it was just this summer that he started wearing size medium, and now all the clothes he got for Christmas are larges.  He's entering that age where he also needs to start trying things on, because no longer are all of the size 10s fit the same.  I am however looking forward to being able to buy his pants like grown men do - in width and length.

We had promised to buy him his first suit for his First Holy Communion this spring, now I am wondering if we should just rent one; because he grows so fast.

And the same can be said for the little one; although we expect that from him.  All of the size 12 one piece outfits I got him when it first started getting cold are now too small.  My 10 month old is wearing size 18 months... he's so long and skinny.  Thank goodness for the cloth diapers to hold his pants up, since he has no waist to speak of.

I'm also proud to admit that I have no problem buying them clothes at the consignment shop.  I try to make their clothes a good mixture of new-to-them and new-new.

But still... they could stop growing so fast... if even just for a week.

Monday, December 26


A little while ago I was thinking that this holiday weekend was the longest time I had been home in a while.

But then I realized that I went out with Turkey yesterday morning, to Christmas Mass.  Does that count as going out?  Sure we got dressed up and headed out in the frigid temps for nearly 2 hours, but that is more like home away from home.

It has been so nice to be home.... so relaxing, so right, so peaceful.  And I have a sick baby to thank for that.

Christmas Eve my mother, brother and his better half came over as planned.  Dinner was nice and easy and the conversation... was sidesplitting-ly funny.  Later that night Monkey's temp crept from 101 to 103 and we decided to stay home on Christmas Day.

In the end I think that was the best gift of all (and thankfully his temp is now down to right around 100)... time at home with my loves.  Once we got home from Mass I put my new PJs on and stayed that way ALL DAY.  We had a dinner of leftovers from Christmas Eve (we weren't planning on being home for dinner and I didn't feel like cooking), we played with the new toys, and snuggled on the coach watching Christmas movies.

Today I got up and showered and put on a fresh pair of PJs; then just puttered around the house.  Enjoying my boys and getting some cleaning done.  Maybe, just maybe tomorrow I will get dressed.

Friday, December 23

Do You Believe?

Turkey has been a non-believer, for the most part, for the better part of the last 4 years.

He doesn't believe in Santa Claus until the 11th hour, and then it's more desperation then belief.  I cannot tell you how many times he has asked me if Santa is real.  I've been telling him, for years now, that Santa is the feeling of this season and if you hold his magic in your heart then he must be real.

This line wasn't getting me very far this year; until the letter came.

The letter from the North Pole that is. It came in a fancy envelope announcing it was a special delivery from up in the cold, and was addressed to him.  (Monkey got one too... but to him Santa is just a guy with great facial hair for pulling).

He had been out with my mom when it came in, so I set it on his bed for when he got home.

And boy was he surprised.  He literally shook with excitement when he read the part about being at the top of Santa's nice list.  The letter concluded by reminding him that Santa is always watching and he better listen to his parents, make his bed and behave.  It was signed... in ink.  This was fancy stuff.  Also included was a coloring book and an autographed picture of Santa (also signed in ink).

And with this, he has become a believer again.  Although I will admit I am looking forward to the next chapter where we get to help him bring Santa to life for his younger brother.  As the oldest growing up as well, this is something I can't wait to share with him.

Oh and to whatever friend or relative signed the boys up for this... I've asked a few, but have gotten no confirmations... THANK YOU.

I would love to have shared the autographed photo with you,
but Turkey has his hidden away, and Monkey chewed on his.

Thursday, December 22

Project food Budget: Holiday Shopping & Lesson Learned

Tonight I went food shopping for Christmas and a few days following.

I was ready.  Really ready.  I made my list, and double checked it against the circulars for the two local stores.  I stopped at store X (which I really don't like) on the way home from work and picked up a few odds and ends (less than $10 worth) that was on sale there.  It was 8pm, both boys were in bed, I had on my sneakers and a sweatshirt with front pocket (perfect for my list and pen).  I remembered my list, my pen, and even my shopping bags.  I was READY.

It was a pleasant night, warm for this late in December in New England.  I enjoyed the drive to the store listening to Christmas music and looking at all the lights.  I picked myself up a hot chocolate on the way, and braced myself for the crowds.

But there was no crowd, the store had maybe a dozen other shoppers in it.

I started in the baking isle, since I was going to spend a good deal of money on this and my ham.

I took my time, and shopped off my list.  It was a good shopping trip... I could think clearly and was able to add my groceries up in my head as a I went (a skill that I had lost after the birth of Monkey, I chalk it up to new mommy brain... hey, with a 7 year age gap I get to claim that again).

My budget was $150.  I knew I was doing good and picked up a few dollars worth of extra stocking stuffer chocolates.  My total was $149.44.  I did awesome.

Then I went to pay... and I could not find my debit card.  I was sure Husband gave it back to me after I asked him to do some last minute on-line shopping the other day.  He must have given it back to me.  I checked again and again, but could not find it.  So I counted the cash in my wallet... I was short (OK,  was surprised I had that much on me, who knew all those ones and fives would add up).  I had the clerk take off my conditioner and $8 worth of butter... and I had just enough... down to nearly my last penny... $135.13.

As soon as I got out of the store I called Husband.  He's sure he gave me back my debit card.  Then he checks his wallet... and there it is, safe and sound.

Lesson learned... make sure you have money on you when food shopping.

Don't forget to check out these other blogs and see how they did this week.  Hopefully no one else forget their debit card.

Wednesday, December 21

Wordless Wednesday

Getting ready for the holidays (photos taken over the last few weeks).

Tuesday, December 20

A Reminder

Yesterday I had gotten a Christmas card at work from a customer, and I wanted to share it with you all as it's a good reminder not just for the holidays but for life in general.  Sadly, the card would not scan in well.

The card is white and a pine tree is featured on the top right side.  The pine tree has little woodland creatures sitting in and around it.  Cut into the card are footprints, which creates the idea of walking in a winter wonderland.  When you open the card a snow angel is cut into the heavy cardstock.

The text is simple... "Take pleasure in the small things this holiday season."

Sunday, December 18

Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland

The big boy, aka Turkey, spent Friday night with my mom; so Husband and I took the time to wrap up the holiday shopping.

Saturday morning we opted to skip swim classes because Monkey was rocking a 101F fever; and instead went to breakfast and did some more shopping.  We drove a little way up north east from us to a breakfast joint that has a cow head's on the outside of it and counter service circa 1960, swung by my cousin's shop in hopes of an adjustment (she's a licensed massage therapist, but was sadly closed), and then went to the children's outlet.  Once we were done at the outlet we figured we'd walk around town some, since Monkey was already snuggly in the carrier.  We wrapped him up good with a blanket and set out hand-in-hand down the street.

The town we were in hasn't changed much with the times; and honestly there isn't much shopping to be had (aside from a men's clothing store that has great socks and cub scout gear).  The buildings are all brick, three or so stories tall and boost places to get your appliances fixed or nails done or second hand goods.  Normally this town is a bit on the depressing side.  This day however was different...

This day it was a Christmas wonderland.  Pine garland with big wreathes were stretched high across the street; and small lighted Christmas trees stood on poles above the sidewalks.  As we walked we were followed by Christmas music playing from the mini trees.  The air was crisp and cold; and then a light snow started to fall.  It was picture perfect.  It was more than picture perfect, it would have been perfect if Turkey was with us.  We vowed to come back at night, just for a drive by, to see all the lights.

Friday, December 16

Project Food Budget (Week 11)

I am still here!!!  Despite not having a real budget for the last 2+ weeks or a meal plan, but I am still here (albeit a day late).

This was a crazy week, full of quick meals and running around.  Sunday we had chicken parmigiana at home (it was so good), Monday we had something but I don't recall, Tuesday we grab and go meals after a meeting for Monkey, Wednesday we had frozen pizza and salad at home before Cub Scouts, Thursday we had eggs, toast and yogurt before more Cub Scouts.  Tonight Turkey is going out with my mom and Husband and I are going out (with the baby of course).

This weekend I pledge to clean out my fridge AND go food shopping.

Don't forget to check out these other blogs.

Wednesday, December 14

All I Want for Christmas

If it was up to Monkey I am sure all he would want is his two front teeth (ha!!), or any teeth for that matter.

Turkey on the other hand has a very specific list of what he wants.  This is a list he has been working on and refining for weeks now.  Originally his list had 15 or so things on it, and some items were called out in great detail... not so much anymore.  As of last night his list had four items on it: Legos, clothes, Megablocks/Halo, and a flute.

Ah the flute.

His flute request is tantamount to that of Ralphie's quest for the Red Rider BB Gun (Turkey was informed earlier this summer that I will not even entertain the idea of getting him a BB gun until he is at least eight years old).

When we went to see St. Nick at church, the ONE and ONLY thing he asked for was a flute.

The boys, looking very serious, with St. Nick at church.
When strangers ask him what he wants for Christmas, he tells them a flute. Store clerks find this amusing I might add.

(I will admit at scouts tonight he didn't mention it; I think he might have been embarrassed after all the other boys wanted BB guns or video games.)

The flute has been on his list from the very beginning.  At one time he was asking for a flute case as well, then he realized that a flute would come with a case anyhow, so he took the case off his list.

I looked on Craig's List for a used flute.  But I wasn't about to spend $200 on one.  It's not like he wants to take lessons or anything; he wants it for his one-man-band (he already has the harmonica; I guess I should be glad he didn't ask for a bass drum).

Friends suggested I get him a recorder; but I already tried that.  It seems he knows the difference between the two and really, really, wants the flute.

I looked on-line and found a $7 wooden flute.  More of a fife I suppose, OK really it looked like something a pixie would play while sitting on an over-sized leaf ... and I am not really sure about the quality.  Sure it's only $7 (plus shipping); but it looked pretty cheesy.  Plus it didn't have a case.

Today I started feeling the "Christmas is in a week panic" and put out a call out on Facebook for help.  And I am so happy and impressed with the response.  A relative on Husband's side is sending up a fife.  Another friend has a lead and is working on it.  And yet another posted a link to one on eBay (a little more than I would like to spend... but many thanks).  I love the help; it's amazing.  What did we do before social networking or even before the internet???!!!

I feel better that I have begun working on solving our flute problem... stay tuned for how it turns out.

Oh, and in case you cared... all I want for Christmas is to sleep till 8am.

Monday, December 12


Spelling was never my strongest subject in school.  I recall many many tears over the subject in grammar school.  I can honestly say that I couldn't really spell until I was in college.

Thankfully that is not Turkey's case.  He's an excellent speller, on spelling quizzes at least (spelling in context not so much, but that's a different story), but he typically tests great at spelling.

Today he came home with a 90% on his weekly spelling test.  Many parents would be thrilled, but his spelling tests grades have been slowly declining over the last few weeks.  But the declining grade wasn't really what bothered me; what bothered me is that he misspelled  the word try.

I know he can spell try.  I know this for a fact.  He can recite how to spell this word without thinking twice, and spells it correctly when he writes stories and letter.

He spelled his bonus words of "frequency" and "magnify", but he misspelled try.  For the record he spelled it t-r-i-e.  Really???

When I asked him about this, he said "Why do I have to spell it right on the test?"

Me: "Well, that's the idea of the test.  It's to make sure you can spell the words right."

Him: "I don't see the point.  What do we have spell check for than?"

Me: "You need to, you must, spell the word correctly on the test IF you KNOW how to spell it."  And with that I imposed some real studying guideline for his spelling quizzes, which are in effect until he starts doing what he's suppose to be doing.

Such an odd problem to have.  Many parents make their kids study so they learn.  I need to make mine study to ACT the right way.  Sigh.

A Day in the Life: Sunday

6:26am - The day begins with the sound of Monkey crying through the monitor.  I nudge Husband, "Please go and nook him, if he sees me he'll want to eat and I NEED to sleep until at least 7am."

6:59am - Turkey crawls into our bed, upside down and proceeds to kick his way into the middle.

7:05am - Alarm goes off... hit snooze.

7:15am - Hit snooze again.

7:26am - Come up with a "get out of the house in the next 30 minutes plan" with Husband and go to nurse Monkey.  Secretly wanting to have Turkey skip CCD and mass.

7:48am - Dash into the bedroom to get dressed after nursing Monkey and getting him dressed.  Throw on a dress, earrings, brush teeth and hair.

7:56am -Leave 1 minute late, only to realize we forgot the diaper bag.  Run into the house, get the diaper bag and dash out.

8:18am - Drop Turkey off at CCD 3 minutes late (thankfully there were lots of other kids late this morning as well).  Head off to get gas, the paper and coffees at the gas station.  Get bummed because the ice is broken, decide to have an ice coffee anyhow.

8:30am - Go to the grocery store to pick-up donuts for breakfast and a few groceries for the house.

8:55am - Eat donuts in the church parking lot with Husband.  He straps the baby into the carrier and I go to pick-up Turkey from CCD, and head to mass with him.

10:20am - Mass is over and Husband takes Monkey to the car while I stop to buy a chocolate pop with Turkey on the way out.  Stop get the garlic bread that we forgot.  Go to another grocery store to get the garlic bread.

11:15am - Get home and feed Monkey some whole wheat Cream of Wheat for breakfast.  Nurse him.  Help Husband fix the leg on the coffee table.  Pull Monkey away from the ceramic cat he's been sucking on while we fixed the table and haul him upstairs for a nap.  Husband offers to rock him some since he just nursed.

12:05pm - Make Turkey a hot dog for lunch and chat with him.

12:15pm - Get Husband for a client call and make him lunch as he heads off on a job.

12:45pm - Work with Monkey on his Light of Christ book for Cub Scouts.  Nook Turkey on and off for about 30 minutes, as he's having a hard time napping.

1:05pm - Nurse Monkey.

1:20pm - Send Turkey to his room for some quiet time, and curl up in bed reading waiting to make sure Monkey is fully asleep.  Close eyes and drift off into a light sleep.

2:05pm - Get woken up by Monkey crying.  Get Turkey out of his room as well and head to the kitchen.  Lunch (soy blueberry yogurt with iron fortified cereal added to it) for Monkey and hot chocolate with whip cream for Turkey and I.

2:38pm - Turkey cruises around his playpen and Monkey works on Cub Scout stuff while I start washing diapers.  Once the diapers are in the wash, I watch the boys play together with the Christmas animated toys - the singing Cow, Reindeer and Snowman.

3:05pm - Make brownies with Turkey while Monkey plays on the floor.  Husband comes home.  Monkey plays in his jumper-roo while I work on putting pictures in frames.

4pm - Nurse Monkey and put him down for a nap.  Work on a blog post.

4:30pm - Start making dinner with Turkey (chicken parmesan), and Husband.

5:02pm - Have dinner without Monkey as he's still sleeping.  Play truth or dare with Turkey while eating, it's his new favorite game.

5:50pm - Nurse Monkey when he gets up, and then take him down for dinner (what we had) and clean the kitchen while he eats.  Clean him up and make him giggle (while playing with the towel), until he can't giggle anymore.

6:28pm - Supervise Turkey washing his hair, and get his clothes put away and him settled into bed.  Put away the diapers.  Go in to say good-night to Turkey and  discuss the validity of Santa Claus (he's been a skeptic for years).

7:10pm - Take a shower with Monkey, get him ready for bed, nurse, and tuck him in.

7:33pm - Get Turkey's bag ready for school and sit down to watch some TV and work on this blog post.

8:20pm - Hang up picture frames that I made earlier in the day.  Defrost milk, wash bottles, make bottles for Husband for tomorrow and brew myself a cup of tea.  Put the dog to bed.

9:00pm - Start watching Bag of Bones with Husband... get really into it.

9:25pm - Move movie watching into the bedroom and wrap Christmas gifts (nothing like Stephen King to get you in the holiday mood).

10:15pm - Decide the movie is lame and go to give Monkey a dream feed.  

10:35pm - Watch Family Guy.... turn off the light around 11pm....

11:31pm - Get all pissed off that I am not asleep yet while listening to Husband snore.  

Sunday, December 11

A New Chapter

Yesterday I started Chapter 34 in my life.  It was a good day.  And I am hoping the rest of this chapter follows suit.

Chapter 33 was a difficult one.  It started out a bit rocky with Turkey's diagnosis of Asperger's, but then quickly became joyous during the birth of Monkey.  The end of winter and early spring were quiet, but it seemed like unrest was afoot.  In July we lost my step-father, and then in September we lost my Grandmother.  It was during this time my heart and mind went to a dark place, life suddenly seemed a lot less fair than it had in the past. But I looked to my family, especially Husband and my mom, and prayed really hard on it all; and slowly but surely I am finding my way around to a more positive light.

And I think I'm off to a pretty good start for a more positive light, and a better new chapter.

Usually I am a sullen mess around my birthday.  It's not that I don't like my birthday or getting a year older; it's that my paternal-grandmother died right before and was buried on my 25th birthday. Something like that sticks with you for a while.

But this year I was better.  I was less moody, less upset... and considering all that had happened this year, I think I did pretty darn good on my birthday.  Husband was impressed by how cheerful I was compared to previous year.

The day was wonderful.  Breakfast in bed with my guys, swimming lessons for the boys, lunch (child free) with my dear friend KB (who invited my mom as an added surprise), a little holiday shopping, and then a quiet evening home with presents and ice cream cake... capped off with the Griswold's Christmas and some alone time with my honey.

It's days like that, that remind me; that while I was lost a lot, and don't have everything my heart desires; I do have a lot.... especially a lot of love. And for that I am truly blessed.

So bring on this next chapter... I KNOW it's going to be better than the last.

Friday, December 9

The Things About Nursing

I love nursing my little one.  It's a fact and I am so happy we've made it as long as we have.  We've made it longer than many, while the data is somewhat conflicting depending on the source; it is estimated that less than half of babies were breastfeed (less than 15% exclusively breastfed) at 6 months.  And here we are nearing 10 months of breastfeeding... and we've hit a hiccup.

For me breastfeeding has been fairly early.  I haven't encountered many of the pains and issues associated with breastfeeding.  And I've been very lucky to not only have breastfeeding friendly doctor for myself, but for Monkey as well.

Today that changed.

I have a clogged milk duct.  This happened once before, and it was easy to fix with a nice long nursing session.

Today is different from that time, as I am at work.  I tried to get Monkey to nurse it out before I left, but he was already full and was not interested in helping his mama out.  So here I am, at work, trying to dealing with this as discreetly as possible.  This is not going so well.

I was using a damp wool nursing pad as a hot compress, microwaving it to warm it up.  But then I burnt it.  And everyone wanted to know why the office smelled (not that I admitted a thing).

And it's hard to get in frequent pumping sessions when you have work to do and can't pump at your desk.

And forget about trying to massage my breast at my desk to work the lump out.... that is so NOT happening.

Oh... and I think the other side is now working on a clog as well... it's starting to get tender.

So here's to hoping for the best, that I can beat this clog and not have to worry about mastitis.

Counting the hours till I am at home with my baby... who is hopefully going to help his mama out this time.

TIBMT Update: November

So... how did I do in November....

1. Take down AND put away the Halloween decorations.
Done, done and done... and the Christmas stuff is out.  I totally rock at this. :-)

2. Send out three packages - one to Melissa, another to another Melissa and one to my step-father's parents. 
2 out of 3 done.  I still owe Melissa hers, but that's because we had to get more flat rate boxes there were NOT designed to go to military bases.  Last time I checked she lived in a cute farm house, not on a base overseas.  But I do have the box... so I am really close.

3. Clean out and change over my purse to something new... I certainly have enough to choose from.  Over maybe I'll even get a new purse.  
I didn't get a new purse, but I did switch things over.  Loving the new cleaned out little bag I am sporting now.

4. Clean my and Husband's bedroom and re-arrangement for the winter months (read move the king size bed away from the heater so we don't bake in our sleep).
This is so NOT done.  Husband suggested we do it this weekend coming up, I laughed at him.  I just don't have the motivation to do this right now.

Thursday, December 8

Project Food Budget (Week 10)

Another week of Project Food Budget and another week of revelation for me.  I need to find time to make grocery shopping a regular habit in my house.  It's not that I don't shop (as you've seen I certainly do), but my shopping has no rhythm.  I need a regular (or at least semi-regular) shopping routine.  Oh to the drawing... or scheduling board.

In the mean-time don't forget to check out these other blogs participating:

Wednesday, December 7

Lobster Ravioli

Ahh... the corporate Christmas (or Holiday as some prefer to say) Party.  An old stoic tradition which to me brings visions of 80s glam fashion, big hair, cognac sipping, cigar puffing big wigs all standing around shaking hands while the mail boy twirls from a light fixture wearing a Santa hat.

My work Christmas parties are nothing like that.

Years ago they were parties; lots of drinking with some really good food, and some more drinking.  At least once, in my pre-kid days (and never since) I was cut off from the bar at said Christmas party.  But I wasn't alone, co-workers and their wives were cut off as well.

Gone are those days of reckless abandon at my work Christmas party.  We've all grown up in the last 12 or so years.  

Last year marked the first year the Christmas party was for employees only.  

Last year also marked the first year I didn't attend.  Not only could I not bring Husband, but it was on my birthday, and I was 7 months pregnant.  (Not that the pregnant part stopped me from attending and laughing at all the drunks in the past.)

This year I am faced with the dilemma to attend or not attend.  

Part of me feels it's my "employee duty" to show up and make small talk and help booster a positive work environment through such activities. The other part of me cannot get over the fact that cocktails don't start till 6pm, dinner starts at 7pm (if they start on time which they never do).  By the time dinner and desert is done (if I went there is no way I would leave without desert) it's easily 9pm.  Add to that an hour drive home, and it's 10pm.  This puts me away from my kids, who I don't see enough of anyhow; for 15 hours.  Not to mention this is a nursing / pumping mother's nightmare.  It's not like I could pump at the party; and from 6pm to 10pm is prime nursing time for the little one.  

But the menu sounds so yummy...

click to enlarge

... and the idea of some "grown-up time" sipping a glass of red wine sounds fantastic.  

But I would much rather go on a date with Husband.  Ahh... if only they let spouses go, like in the good ol' days; this decision would be so much easier.  

hmmm.... filet mignon, lobster ravioli.... chocolate truffles....

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Monday, December 5

Things I've Been Meaning to Do (December)

Short and sweet list this month... because I do much better with short and sweet lists. Oh, and no photos this month because I left my camera at my mother-in-laws this weekend.  Sniff, sniff... I miss it so.  Glad Husband is going to get it tomorrow for me.

1) Clean out the junk draws in my kitchen.  Technically only one of them is THE junk draw.  Not sure what the other one is SUPPOSE to be... but regardless they both need to be cleaned up.

2) Take more naps.  Really... I need more sleep.

3) Go visit my cousin.

Friday, December 2

Silent(ish) Saturday

Turkey has been eyeing the wax hand making at Yankee Candle for years now.  The last time we went he finally muscled up the courage to do it... as long as I did it with him.  Here's our journey.
Employee showing us what to do.

Washing our hands in ICE cold soapy water.  The idea is to numb your hands some.

Getting ready to dip our hands in hot wax.
To me this was right up there with waiting for the tattoo artist to start.

"Look Dad, this isn't so hot."

Monkey watching Daddy taking pictures.

One of the many layers of wax.  We went from wax to water to wax about 10 times.

Worker coloring our hands blue and green.

Turkey showing off our hands.

Our hands at home.  I'm green. He's blue.