
Monday, October 21

Silly Boy

Yes, those were fake sneezes.

Thursday, October 17


Last weekend I pulled out the box of baby clothes from the attic and proceeded to sort and purge and wash.  Gold star for me!!  Finally getting ready for #3!!

After a couple of hours of work it became clear we were in serious need of infant socks.

Out of all of the clothes I sorted - sizes newborn through 18 months - I only found these two socks.  Which clearly are not mates.

I can only wonder why I kept these two errant socks.

Monday, October 14

Pass the Peas Please

I'm a big believer on offering kids things to eat that they don't normally eat, especially at dinner time.  If we are eating foods I know the boys will turn down they are still offered.  I heard something somewhere at sometime that said you have to try a new food some twenty times before you decide you like it... and I have stuck to that approach.

Time and time again I would serve TT peas.

Time and time again he would not eat peas.

If I served him peas and carrots mixed together, he would eat the carrots while removing the peas and crushing them into the table top.

Sometimes he would freak out and refuse to eat if the peas where on his plate.

Tonight I decided not to offer him peas.  He had plenty of other colorful food on his plate.

As dinner went on and RR was eating his peas TT asked for peas.  He scoped some out of the serving bowl and put them on his plate.  And sure enough he started eating them.

Then all of a sudden he couldn't get enough peas.  He was going insane eating them.  We let him eat them right out of the serving dish because he was just going to town eating peas.  He was totally in love with peas and both Husband and I watched in awe (and then took pictures).

Maybe it was reverse psychology - OK, I'll eat them since you didn't offer them to me.

Maybe it was because he was eating them heated up (I don't normally warm his veggies).

Maybe it was because his brother was eating them, and he thinks his brother is the cat's pajamas.

No matter what is was I'll take it... eating peas at dinner with no fighting... priceless.

Saturday, October 12

Ready or Not

Earlier in the summer we had bought TT a potty chair.  It was a spur of the moment thing, on sale for a price too good to pass up.  He used it once or twice; maybe three times in the last few months.  It mostly sat in our downstairs bathroom, collecting dust.

Once we rented an Elmo potty training video from the library.  We all watched it once.  RR thought it was really funny and laughed his butt off.

Potty training, or toilet teaching, or whatever you want to call it - really wasn't in our plans for TT right now.

Husband and I talked about it.  We said we would maybe do a "potty training boot camp" when I was working from home.  I wasn't stressed about it; I think RR was at least another year older before he potty trained - and beside I had heard that toddlers can really regress when a new siblings comes along... so it just wasn't something I was all for doing now.

TT on the other hand had a different idea.

In the last week he's gone on the potty chair more and more.

We bought a second potty chair, and as soon as it came in the mail (doesn't everyone buy their potty chairs on-line?) he needed to use... and this started him not only doing #1, but also #2 in the potty.

This morning after breakfast, he asked me to take off his diaper so he could use the potty.

Today we went on the potty at least 5 times.

He only went through 2 diapers.  One when we went to the park and one at nap time.

Apparently he's getting the hang of this pretty darn quickly.

Which is good, because he's quickly growing out of cloth diapers that fit him.

So we'll keep following his lead and I'll keep denying that my baby is growing up... and we'll see where we go from here.  And if he regresses when Newbie is born, its all good. I know he has the stuff to make this huge milestone leap when he's ready.

Tuesday, October 1

Wow!! Really??!!

Actually this blog post should be titled "Holy Shit I'm Having a Baby... and like soon".  But I didn't want to have a post with the word "shit" in the title.

Do you realize it's October and there is a chance I could be having a baby next month?  I mean really, it's possible being due December 11th and all that.  It is also possible being due then than I have a Christmas baby, but only time will tell.

I'm 30 weeks pregnant tomorrow.  How the hell did that happen?  OK, I know how IT happened, but how has time gone by so fast?  I was at the midwives offices 2 weeks ago and they were all about setting up all of the next prenatal appointments.  It was like I went from seeing them once a month to seeing them every other week in no time at all.  It was nearly overwhelming when I left with an appointment card for something like 6 visits.  I just kept staring at the appointments wondering where the last few months went.  Where did summer go?  I don't even remember it starting.

I know they say time goes faster on subsequent pregnancies because you have your hands more full than before... more responsibilities, more kids to spend time with, etc.  And I know work is certainly more busy for me now, more so than ever.  But I just don't see how this pregnancy can be coming to an end sometime soon.

Remind me I said that when I am complaining about feeling like I am going to be pregnant forever... somewhere around the 37 week mark.

So far it has been an easy pregnancy... aside from that bladder issue early on.  But since then; it's been very typical... and I dare say it maybe my easiest pregnancy yet.  Truth be told it was so long ago I was pregnant with RR that I don't recall all of the details, but I do recall it being very easy and smooth sailing.  When I was pregnant with TT I had the worst allergies/cold for 9 months...

I suppose we should start getting ready for baby to come.  We've done some stuff in preparation for the little guy.  The car seat has been taken out of the attic and cleaned (still needs to be installed), I've bought him a few new outfits (need to wash), I bought him a very cool infant hat (made by the talented Devin), we've talked names and made a list of names.... and well that's it.  We really don't have much to do I guess. We need to get some infant size diapers (our cloth ones are good starting around age 3 months) and we need to get the pack and play cleaned and set-up and we need to fix up our room and get the co-sleeper up and installed, get the clothes out of the attic and washed  Aside from that we're ready to go???

Again... remind me of this post in 4 weeks that I am freaking out over needing to buy diapers, nail clippers, new thermometer, etc... all while saying I should have washed the clothes sooner.

Husband wants to have the nursery done before new baby comes.  I'm OK with it either way.  It's not like he'll sleep in it till next summer anyhow.

How am I am so relaxed, yet so perplexed about how I could possibly be this far along in my pregnancy?  It must be the hormones.