
Wednesday, August 28

4th Grade

4th - 2013

Earlier this evening I was not going to go on and on about RR growing up.  I was not going to wax poetic about a new school year starting.  I just wasn't going to do it.  No, I was not.  Nope. Nada.  Zilch.

The first day of 4th grade had been pretty uneventful.  He was up and showered and ready just on time.  The bus was just on time.  The baby (who are we kidding, the toddler) slept through it all.  As far as a first day of school it wasn't a big milestone.  I didn't get all misty eyed thinking about "my baby" growing up.  I only had one call from the school; unrelated to the first day thankfully, and the bus dropped him off right on time.

Overall it was a very anti-climatic first day.  There were no angles singing about the glory of back to school.  Maybe because the summer was too short this year.  Maybe because I am just so busy with work, and the toddler and being pregnant, that I couldn't make a big deal.  And it really isn't a big deal.  It's 4th grade; not kindergarten or middle school or high school.  Sure it is a new school and HE was worried about a new place and teacher and routine, but really my world wasn't affected.  How selfish is that of me?  I felt for him, and wanted him to have a good day; but I knew everything was going to be OK.  I knew there was nothing to fear.

And then I started skimming through pictures... looking at pictures from the first day of school for the last 5 years.

And then I got teary eyed.  I blame it on the pregnancy hormones.  But there is no doubt that he certainly has a certain style about him; a look that hasn't changed much over the years.  Sure his hair has gotten longer and he has learned to tie his shoes... but who he is hasn't changed, he has just gotten older.  And I suppose that means so have I.

Kindy - 2009

1st - 2010

2nd - 2011

3rd - 2012

Monday, August 19


It's that time of year again - back to school time.  My Facebook status feed is filled with back to school photos (we go back next Wednesday - I hate them going back before Labor Day, but that's a rant for another time) and the woos and joys of back to school shopping.

I am amazed by some of the things my friends have had to buy their darling little ones for back to school - like deodorant to bring to the classroom.  How is pit stick a back to school supply?

I feel for those who are weighted down with long lists of what to buy and my heart breaks for those that don't have money to buy the supplies they are told their child needs for schools.  Yes, I am that person that when asked to make a donation of a back to school item at the register always says "yes".

I am spoiled.  Apparently one of the perks of living in my town is that there are no back to school supplies to buy.  And yes, he goes to public school.  I have no concerns over colored pencils and how many three-ring-binders my boy needs.

Instead of fear and loathing and making midnight runs to Staples and WalMart for the "essentials" I can stock up on markers and pens as stocking stuffers in August.

Now I realize that some people consider clothes and backpack buying as part of "back to school" shopping and in that sense we do have to do some of that.  Backpack - check - ordered on-line from LL Bean, but since it was a replacement for an LL Bean one he broke it was no cost (in the end) to me.  Clothes - he gets 3 new shirts every year.  Once for each day of the week for the first week.  I don't bother with pants; he'll wear shorts till Halloween and I don't bother with winter clothes till it gets cold, he's going to grow between now and then anyway.  Shoe shopping needs to be done twice a year at least; so we'll get some now while they are on sale.  See I've got it covered.

Easy peasey lemon squeezy.

Sorry fellow moms.... don't let those lists weigh you down.

Sunday, August 18

An Oldie

Recorded Thanksgiving 2008 (RR was 4).  Dancing with Grammie.

Thursday, August 15

30 Months

TT is 30 months old today.

30 months of complete and total cuteness.  Hey, I get to say that I am his mother after all.  Some days I ask him if he plans on using his cuteness to get through life and he says "OK".

At two and a half his speech is really staring to take off.  As it should with speech therapy once a week and playgroup once a week as well; assuming the bus shows up for playgroup.  ggrrrr.... that's a whole other post.

He is still addicted to his pacifier, which we call a nook or nooker.  Husband and I agreed that he could keep using it till his 2 year molars where in... and we're just about there.

Speaking of speech and nooks... tonight I stole his nook from him and he says to me "I want nookie."  Ha!!!

At a height and weight check at the pediatrician's office last month TT was 41.5 lbs. and a little over 40" tall.  He is in the 99% for height and weight for his age; and is just a bit bigger than your typical 4 year old boy.  I guess that explains why he is wearing a 4T/5 at this point.  They say a child's height at age 2 is about half that of their adult height - this puts TT around 6-ft 4-inches.

Toilet training is not really going anywhere.  We've had a few successes with going in the potty; but we've had more misses.  Husband and I aren't pushing the issue, TT is just now starting to be able to pull of his pants AND we hate his potty-chair.  Seriously, that thing sucks... the pee guard (which any mom of a boy can tell you is critical) keeps falling off every time he sits in it.  Buying a new one piece potty chair is on our list of things "to do".  And yes, we're still cloth diapering.  And yes, finding cloth diapers to fit this child is getting difficult.

TT is taking one nap a day; usually it's around 2 to 3 hours long.  He goes to bed between 7 and 7:30 and is up around 6:30.  He loves to see me before I go to work in the morning; and he has that same sixth sense like his brother. He knows what days we need to get out of the house early and chooses those days to sleep in.

For fun and play; which is what it is all about, TT loves the wooden Thomas Train set.  He also adores cars and driving his shopping carriage around the house. Wearing buckets and baskets on his head is also tops in his book.  Along with watching Mickey Mouse - he prefers the old ones... the really old ones.  Coloring, painting and play-doh are also pretty great.  If it was up to him he would go for a car ride every day... and probably shoe shopping.  This child has a serious addiction to shoes; he has more pairs (he can currently wear) than me, Husband and RR combined.  TT loves shoes.

He also loves horses... horse-y he calls it.  When ever possible he will jump on you (he rides RR) and scream horsey and make horse sounds.  Cute... but not so easy on the back and knees and legs, etc.  When he's really in a horse mood he likes to watch My Little Pony.

Cooking is a new activity he has discovered, making eggs is his favorite.

He also enjoys eating what he, or anyone else makes. (as you can tell by his size.)  His favorite foods include (ice) cream; sausages, meatballs, spaghetti, peanut butter sandwiches, bananas, watermelon and apples.  He is not a fan of green foods - peas, beans, lettuce, etc.  And yes, he is still nursing - once maybe twice a day, skipping a day here or there.

As I have said before... he is probably one of the happiest kids you will every meet.  Of course he suffers from the "terrible twos" and I am sure we'll have the "trying threes"... but that's what being a toddler is all about.  That and playing in the yard naked, chasing your brother around with a toy sword and just being lovable.

Sunday, August 11

Beach Time

I have had itch lately.  A beach itch.  And not the kind that can be scratched by going to the town beach, which while nice and homey and family orientated; it is still a little patch of sand on the shore of a little lake.  I wanted the smell of sunscreen, seagulls, ships sailing off the horizon, jumping way and smelling salt filled air.  It's been a long time since I have been to the beach ocean, a good 5 or so years.  Too long.

On Wednesday night I told Husband that we needed to make a run for it this weekend, down to Misquamicut (a beach in Rhode Island for all of my readers not from New England).  I used to go to the beach every summer with my friends, their parents took us.  We always left early in the morning, lunched on the beach, jumped the waves and then drove go-karts before heading home.  (OK, I watched them drive the go-karts, those things scared the shit out of me.) To this day, that is how I see the ideal beach day.

And that is exactly what we got today.  We left around 7:30am and got the the beach for 9:30am.  We got the perfect parking spot and the ideal patch of our own on the beach; long before it got crowded.  We played in the water (TT loves the ocean and I wish his floaty was had a leash; to save our backs from bending over so much.)  Husband taught RR how to body surf.  We played in the sand and made sand castles.  We ate lunch on the beach.  The boys played on the playground (a nice addition from the last time I went I must say).

Around 1pm we got showered and dressed and headed down to the go-karts.  RR feels about them the same way I do... so we did the bumper boats instead (sorry, no pictures of these we didn't want to loose the camera in the pool).  The boys played some mini-golf, with some help from us.

Next up the the arcade and the merry-go-round; followed by ice cream and some small souvenirs - a pirate get-up for RR and a toy boat for TT.

We were home by 6pm... we would have been home sooner, but as anyone can tell you the Mass Pike SUCKS for traffic on a Sunday in the summer.

The weather was perfect.  The boys so well behaved.  The beach was clean and we left before it was too crowded.  Ahhh.... so relaxing.  I would go back tomorrow if I could (OK, if I didn't have to drive it again.)

Heading out - breakfast on the road.

It really was that cool when we left our house this morning.

Checking out the water.

This is about when I realized TT was really slippery with all that sunscreen on.  

The floaty has the perfect handle.


Cheese smile!

I told you the beach was empty.

Daddy's turn.

Such a good big brother.


He is the king of cheesy smiles.  


Can you say "sandy pants"?

The chocolate nose is from eating ONE chocolate chip cookie.  

Checkin' out the boat.

First time mini-golfing.

RR got a hole in one right before this.  He was so excited.


He was hoping they would have rings like on Martha's Vineyard... no such luck.

RR insisted on this picture. He was in heaven - a rootbeer float AND an ice cream sandwich.

The pirate mask.

Oh and I almost forgot - my favorite part of the day - RR and TT were on the playscape and getting ready to go down a very tall and steep slide when TT started freaking out.  RR turned around to apologize to the kids in line behind him and the boy right next to him says "Not a problem man, I'm a big brother too I know how it goes.  This guy here (points to his kid brother) was the same way."  They then started talking about being big brothers while Husband rescued TT.

Saturday, August 10

Camp - The 2013 Edition

RR came home from overnight camp a few days ago.... here's a few exerts from his trip.

"It was a total bacon-fest.  Seriously, I had at least 15 pieces of bacon for breakfast.  Not one, but for two days."

"I only took one shower, but it was a great shower. I got it nice and steamy and then brought in a chair and just sat there in the shower."

"for sure, I am ready for a BB Gun."

"BB guns are better than bow and arrows, because they have scopes."

"I didn't get stung once, but twice.  Twice on my back. The bee was stuck in my shirt."  
Thank you camp for figuring out for me that he is NOT allergic to bee stings.

"This year when I feel out of the tent the bed fell on top of me."

"and the bathrooms, they really smelled this year.  They need some air freshener."

"and they made macaroni and cheese hamburgers.  It was really nasty."

"get it, get it Mom... pass the gas" proceeds to laugh uncontrollably

"and I missed you so much"

"I had marshmallows every night."

"campfires are good, but they last too long."

"see I told you I had to come home for a half week... look how much it's raining"

Wondering how camp was last year - you can check it out here.  Camp 2012

Saturday, August 3

Unexpected Adventure

This morning we headed out for our bi-weekly trip to the library.  On the way out Husband asked me if I was going to see if the library had the Eric Carle Museum (ECM) pass on hand.

Side note; in case you didn't know, many libraries lend out passes to local museums and parks just as they lend out books.  Some are free admissions (like the ECM was) others offer reduced admission, free parking, etc.  These are a great free resource for any family.

Ok, back to the story.  At first I told Husband I wasn't going to ask.  We had to get RR packed for camp today and tomorrow we had to drop him off at camp; I felt there was no way we could sneak in an extra trip.

We spent a good deal of time at the library and the boys were bother behaving so well and getting along.  It must have been the euphoria of the whole experience because at check-out I asked about the ECM passes and they were in.  I was shocked!!!  They haven't been in the last two times I have asked.

I asked Husband if he thought we should go home and go to the museum later in the afternoon, but as he explained we were almost halfway there already we might as go.  So we did.  No diapers, no bids, no wipes, no sippy cups.... really no nothing.

At least I had my phone to get some photos.  They don't alone pictures in the gallery so all photos are from the hallways, library area; and drawing room.

They had a Mo Willems exhibit when we went.

Note to Santa, please get TT a doll house or toy barn.

After the museum we took the boys over to get some ice cream at a local farm, bakery, etc kind of place.  And as our luck of the day would have it they were having some sort of children's festival - complete with games, cookie decorating and a magician.  Both boys won prizes and won free apples.

What a morning.  We were home a little after 1pm with two very happy and tired little boys.

Thursday, August 1

World Breastfeeding Week 2013

It's World Breastfeeding Week 2013!!

We've been breastfeeding for 898 days!!  Holy cow!!!  That's sounds a lot longer than nearly two and a half years.

Some of my favorite breastfeeding blogs from the last few years:

Nursing in 2s

Nursing at (Nearly) 11 Months


Breastfeeding in the Early 21st Century